Ninian Park Primary School
Croeso i Blwyddyn 5!
Our year group page will be updated regularly so that you can find out what we will be learning about.
Project: Our project this term is based around an enquiry question:
Is Change the Same as Progress?
All our learning will be linked with this question, and hopefully by comparing different periods of history we will be able to examine various changes over the ages and evaluate the impact these changes have had on our country, our society and our culture.
Last term's project:
What could Tomorrow's World hold for us?
Throughout this project children in year 5 will have the chance to direct their learning, telling us about the aspects of the project that they are interested in and would like to explore in more depth.
So far, they have decided they would like to learn about space and our solar system, and whether humans might travel into space in the near future. We have discussed investigating what is currently happening to our planet and how humans are damaging the environment.
We have P.E. every week. Our P.E. day is a Thursday. Pupils need to wear their P.E. kit to school on this day. Blue or white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers. If pupils forget their kit, there is spare available in school to ensure they participate.
We are often asked how parents can help their children at home. Here are some ideas for you:
* Pupils will have a homework menu each term, with activities linked to their project work. They can complete them as little or often as they like but should aim to complete all the tasks by the end of the term.
* Basic addition and multiplication skills are at the heart of most of our maths work. Helping your child practise these skills will really help them to progress. There are many websites with worksheets you can print or games you can load. We suggest that 5 minutes a day on the Hit the Button website will have a positive impact on your child's learning. If they have mastered Hit the Answer on a particular times table, move on to the Hit the Question. After that, have a go at division facts.
* Reading- Your child has many opportunities to read in school with groups of other children and adults. Encourage your child to read at home too! If your child wants to borrow a book from school then we have a selection they are welcome to borrow from. Also, Bug Club is a fantastic online platform for your child to practise reading books at their level.
* Active learn- Your child has an online account with their reading books (as well as some maths games). They need to read the books and answer the questions. This helps us to assess their comprehension skills, which are as important as their ability to read fluently. Listening to your child read means that you can pick up on their mistakes. Reading TO your child helps them to understand what good, fluent reading with expression sounds like.
Mr Matyus and Mrs Bagguley (5A), Mrs Hibbs (5B) and Miss Barry (5C)