Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School


Documents for Parents

ALN Coffee Morning - Tuesday 18th December

Fitzalan Cluster Transition Plan 2023-2024

Parent Governor Election information & ballot paper

School Prospectus 2024-2025


All parents want the best for their children and so do schools.  Working together is the best way to ensure your child gets the most from their years in education and values the experiences they are offered.  There are many websites suggesting ways parents and schools can support each other.  Below is a list from Education World - 


Education World's Tips for Involved Parents

1. Talk to your child daily about school activities and experiences.

2. Talk with teachers regularly - even when no problems exist.

3. Broaden your child's understanding of the world by visiting shops, museums, parks, zoos, universities, sports stadiums, theatres, castles, farms, and local landmarks.

4. Make learning relevant by encouraging activities that use what kids learn at school. Encourage kids to count money; make shopping lists; calculate costs and sales prices; read menus and newspapers; and write letters.

5. Designate a specific time and place for homework.

6. Read to your child every day and encourage independent reading. Make frequent trips to the public library.

7. Set goals that are challenging but attainable.

8. Visit the school regularly and become involved in school activities as often as possible.

9. Become familiar with your child's curriculum and its required skills and goals.

10. Be aware that your attitudes about school - and teachers - influence your child's attitudes.


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