Last day of the Summer term is Friday 19th July. School opens to pupils on Tuesday 3rd September. We hope you have a wonderful summer break.

Ninian Park Primary School



Welcome to Reception's class page


Our Autumn term enquiry question is -

'What does it mean to belong?'

Below is an attachment on what we will be covering this term. 



PE Days

PE is on Thursday

Please come to school dressed in your PE kit.  



Book Bags

Please can you bring in your book bag every Monday. 

Read Write Inc

In the Autumn term the children will be learning a new sound every day.  The children will come home each day with the sound they have learnt.  Please practise saying and writing this sound with your child every day.

If you are unsure of what sound each letter makes, here is a useful video below to help you.


Homework - What does it mean to belong? Autumn 1

Life in Reception so far this year ...
