Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School



Reception Home Learning Monkey Puzzle w/c 25/01/2021

Reception Planning January 4th to 8th 2021

‘What Does It Mean To Belong?’ by Reception A

Still image for this video
Reception A have made this wonderful film celebrating all the amazing work they have done this term. Da iawn pawb, we are so proud of you all! 🌟☺️

Home Learning PlannerHello Reception.


For the next 3 days (16/12/2020-18/12/2020) you will be doing home learning. Check Seesaw every day for Seesaw activities. The Reception staff will be posting videos daily to explain the activities. Your paper home learning packs also contain some of your home learning. 

