Ninian Park Primary School
This term our Enquiry question is ..............
How does the past shape the present?
We will be going on our trip to St Fagan's on Friday 27th September.
Below are some of the skills, experiences and activities we will be looking at for the Autumn term.
Autumn term homework can be found here.......
Teachers in Year 3
3A - Mrs Bishop
3B - Miss Lewis
3C - Mrs Mottram/Mrs Pankhurst
PE is every Tuesday - come to school in your PE kit. Please wear....
blue/white t-shirt,
black/blue shorts, leggings, jogging bottoms,
suitable trainers.
Reading at home is very important, we ask that you spend just 10 minutes every day to read with you child and ask questions about what they have read.
Children will have a home reading book, which is their responsibility to bring into school each week and change it. All children will also have access to Bug Club, where they can complete these online at home.
It is also really beneficial for your child to have stories read to them. These can be in your home language or in English. Visiting the local library can be a lovely shared experience.