Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School


‘How To’ Video Tutorials

As we will be continuing with Home Learning for the final weeks before Summer, and potentially as part of teaching in September, we thought it would be useful to create ‘How To’ videos for accessing different online platforms and using them to their full advantage. 


The below videos will help you:

  1. Access your Hwb account and emails
  2. Access and use Google Classroom (particularly important for High School Transition)
  3. Access and log into Seesaw with a code
  4. Upload and edit your Home Learning using the Seesaw features
  5. Learn how to send a message/note on Seesaw 


We hope that you find these useful over the next few weeks to continue Home Learning 😊

1. How to access your Hwb account and emails

Still image for this video

2. How to access Google Classroom

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3. How to log into Seesaw using a code

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4. How to upload and edit Home Learning using Seesaw

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5. How to send a message using Notes on Seesaw

Still image for this video