Last day of the Summer term is Friday 19th July. School opens to pupils on Tuesday 3rd September. We hope you have a wonderful summer break.

Ninian Park Primary School





Wythnos 1 - 

FP: Barod! - Ready!

KS2: Wyt ti'n barod? - Are you ready?


Wythnos 2 - 

FP: Gwrandewch - Listen

KS2: Gwrandewch yn ofalus - Listen carefully


Wythnos 3 - 

FP: Ga i brechdanau/ cinio? Can I have sandwiches/ dinner?

KS2: Hoffwn i gael brechdanau/ cinio os gwelwch yn dda. I would like sandwiches/ dinner please.


Wythnos 4:

FP: Diolch! Thank you!

KS2: Diolch y fawr! Thank you very much!


Wythnos 5 - 

FP: Dwylo i fyny - hands up.

KS2: Dwylo i fyny/ dwylo i lawr - hands up/hands down.


Wythnos 6 - 

Pawb: Shwmae! - Hello!


Wythnos 7 -

FP: Ga i fynd i'r tŷ bach? - Can I go to the toilet?

KS2: Ga i fynd i'r tŷ bach os gwelwch yn dda? Can I go to the toilet please?

Wythnos 1

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Wythnos 2

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Wythnos 3

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Wythnos 4

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Wythnos 5

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Wythnos 6

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Wythnos 7

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Wythnos 1 - 

FP: Eisteddwch - sit down.

KS2: Eisteddwch yn dawel - sit down quietly.


Wythnos 2 - 

Pawb: Mae'n amser chwarae! It's playtime! 


Wythnos 3 - 

FP: Sefwch - stand up.

KS2: Sefwch yn dawel - stand up quietly.


Wythnos 4 - 

FP: Sut wyt ti? Dw i'n hapus/drist/wedi blino. How are you? I'm happy/sad/tired.

KS2: Sut wyt ti'n teimlo? Dw i'n temilo yn hapus/trist/wedi blino. How do you feel? I feel happy/sad/tired. 


Wythnos 5 - 

FP: Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw? What's the weather like today?

KS2:  Sut oedd y tywydd ddoe?


Wythnos 6 -

FP: Caewch y drws. Shut the door.

KS2: Caewch y drws os gwelch yn dda. Shut the door please.


Wythnos 7 - 

FP: Nadolig Llawen! Merry Christmas!

KS2: Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wythnos 1

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Wythnos 2

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Wythnos 3

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Wythnos 4

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