Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School


Week 5

Shwmae Year 6!


We hope you are enjoying the different home learning activities each week. This week, we have slightly changed the 'Enquiry Tasks' to shorter bite sized activities covering a range of subject areas and topics, rather than just one bigger task to do! We hope you enjoy this approach, we will be asking for your feedback soon laugh


We are really enjoying seeing the work you are adding to your Seesaw accounts - please keep this up! If you are able to take photos and submit your work on Seesaw then we can mark and comment on it for you and give feedback - just like we do in normal lessons. Don’t worry if you can’t though, keep working in your exercise book or notepad. 


Don't forget to get involved in the Cardiff Council 'Diff Diaries' competition which we posted about on Seesaw. Here's the link to it on our Twitter page too:

Give it a go! yes


As well as this, please log in to your Active Learn/Bug Club accounts as we have allocated you lots of new, fun, interactive games and activities linked to Maths, Literacy and Science.


Keep safe, stay in touch!


Miss Lewis and Miss Norrish



Remember not to worry about printing out any of the work sheets. If you'd like to then great, but you can write your answers and work on a piece of paper or books smiley 
