Ninian Park Primary School
We have completed our first ever Virtual Sports Day!
Everyone who took part and submitted an entry will get an electronic certificate in their Seesaw account after half term.
Certificates will be -
Bronze = 1 challenge completed
Silver = 2 to 5 challenges completed
Gold = 6 or more challenges completed
We also have a
Super Sports Star!
A huge thank you to everyone who helped make this event possible - pupils, parents, staff and friends of Ninian Park Primary from across the globe.
We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Scroll down for the challenges
Beat the Teacher videos.
Here are some of the wonderful messages of support we have received for our Virtual Sports Day.
To see many, many more take a look at our Tweet feed @nppschool
Welcome to our
Virtual Sports Day 2020
Sports Day is one of the great events in our school calendar and we couldn't let a little thing like a global pandemic stop us celebrating together. However, we do have to be safe and responsible, so this year we are going online!
As part of their Home Learning, Year 4 are currently designing sports day activities that we can do at home. They are thinking about keeping you active and safe, only using common household items. We will have to wait until Tuesday 19th March at 9am to see what those activities will be.
For every activity that you photograph/video yourself doing (and send to Seesaw) you will awarded 5 points for your house. Please make sure you let your teacher know if we can use your photos or videos in a film we will put together to celebrate this event.
There will be certificates for participation - the more activities you send in the more points you will get for your house and the higher award you will receive. But, as a national supermarket says, every little helps, so even if you are only able to send in one activity, it is still worth taking part.
Can't remember what house you're in?
Take a look below.
House colours
If you can wear something that's your house colour whilst completing your challenges next week great. If not, please don't worry, it's the taking part that counts.
However, any inappropriate slogans/words/images etc on clothing will mean we cannot use your images in our celebration video.
We hope you have fun with our challenges and enjoy taking part with those in your household.
Please remember that pupils can get house points by sending in a photo (or video) of them doing a challenge. The more challenges you show us you have tried, the more house points you will get.
Certificates will be put onto Seesaw by the end of Monday 25th May. There will be 3 levels of participation
Bronze - 1 challenge posted on Seesaw
Silver - between 2 and 7 challenges posted on Seesaw
Gold - 8 or more challenges posted on Seesaw
Good luck everyone!
Pwb lwc pawb!
Beat the teacher
Some of our staff have had a go at a challenge or two.
Can you beat the teacher?
Have a go