Last day of the Summer term is Friday 19th July. School opens to pupils on Tuesday 3rd September. We hope you have a wonderful summer break.

Ninian Park Primary School


Year 2

Welcome to Year 2's year group page!

Please see below our Curriculum Overview for the year, it will tell you the enquiry questions we will be exploring over the year and the areas of learning and experience we will be covering.

Year 2 Curriculum Overview 2024

During Autumn term our enquiry question in Year 2 is:


What does it mean to be a Cardiff citizen?


As part our our enquiry based learning, we will explore what it means to live and go to school in Cardiff as well as explore our local community of Grangetown. 

Please have a look at our homework sheet for Autumn Term, we will also post it on Seesaw. We hope you have a go at as many activities as you can and we can't wait to see your work!
