Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School


May Half Term

Shwmae Year 6!

We would like to wish those of you who celebrate Eid a big...

We hope that you have enjoyed the celebrations! smiley


This week is your May Half Term HolidayJust like your Easter Holiday activities, we have created a BINGO planner full of fun and creative learning activities to keep you busy over the half term. You don't need to complete them all - you can complete one a day or a few in a day, that's up to you!


Please try and share your activities with us on Seesaw, we always enjoy seeing what you all get up to yes


Have a happy and safe half term holiday with your families laugh


Miss Lewis and Miss Norrish 

May Half Term Bingo Planner
