Last day of the Summer term is Friday 19th July. School opens to pupils on Tuesday 3rd September. We hope you have a wonderful summer break.

Ninian Park Primary School


Year 3


Your child will have a Rainbow Reader pack.

This is their independent home reading book.

It is set at a level that they can read without help.

Each pack also contains a pack of work for them to complete;

  • a word search to help them scan for key words,
  • vocabulary work the help them learn the meanings of new words,
  • a writing task to help them to transfer their learning,
  • a cloze procedure to help them to understand the text.
  • There is also a testing page with comprehension questions. We will use this in school but it is there for you to use to talk to them about their book and ensure that they are understanding what they are reading.

Each week, your child will get a chance to read this independently in class and with an adult. When the adult feels they are ready to change their book, they will. 

Please send this book in with your child everyday.

Each week your child will bring home the following as their homework;

Big Maths Learn Its

Big Maths CLIC

Rainbow Reader (or alternative book)

Spellings or sounds from RWI


There will also be additional tasks set on this website and through Class Dojo to complete with your child if you wish, to support their learning.
