Thank you to all who donated to Velindre. Together we raised £310.79.

Ninian Park Primary School


Our Updates

15th November 2019

Children in Need 2019, Ninian Park is doing their bit to raise money for those less fortunate #allchildrenhaveteserights! (Article 2)

7th November 2019

National outdoor learning day! We have been enjoying learning in the great outdoors as well as learning about and the environment and how to respect it (Article 29).

WB 21st October

It's Safety week at Ninian Park this week (Article 19), we have been learning about safety in many situations and had visits from a number of people including  Stephanie from Anaphylaxis Campaign.

WB 14th October

What a busy week! Our first Pupil Action Group (PAG) meeting took place on Monday, each group were excitedly planning their actions or the year ahead (Article 15). Shwmae day was celebrated across the school on Tuesday  celebrating Welsh language and culture (Article 30). OnFriday, the year 6 Chairs from each PAG came together to share the discussions and decisions made with eachother and Mrs Morris in our first School Senedd of the year (Article 12).



25th September 2019

The Head Boy and Girl for 2019-20 were announced today. Congratulations Sujay and Lily and to Umaima and Taha for becoming our Rights Respecting Ambassadors!


20th September 2019

Year 6 took part in Cardiff's Climate Action Strike by sharing their knowledge and messages with other classes (Article 12, Article 29)

17th September 2019

This week our elections for the 2019-20 Head Boy and Girl got underway (Article 12- We all have the right to have our say). Follow the link to watch the election videos the candidates created:


11th July- Very proud to announce that we have achieved our Silver Rights Respecting Schools award 🥈 @UNICEF @childcomwales #UNCRC #RRSNP #goingforgold

10th July- The final school Senedd meeting took place today, Year 6 chairs have come together to share the amazing achievements of our pupil action groups this year #RRSNP #pupilvoice

10th July- Llwyddiant! We’ve been awarded the Siarter Iaith Bronze Award; recognising our commitment to promoting our Welsh language!


9th July- Today, we got the Platinum Eco Schools award thanks to the hard work of the Eco Pupil Action Group this year! Brilliant Work ensuring we learn about how to care for our environment (Article 24)

21st May- The Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy enjoyed sharing their views about education as part of the Grand Council Conference today. We can't wait to see how our ideas get put into action

15th May- Our local PCSOs came in today to talk to year 6 about the dangers of knives and how to stay safe (Article 19)

3rd May- Today members of the NSPCC came to speak to us about our rights and how to Speak out and stay safe. All children have the right to be kept safe from harm (Article 19)

11th April- The Rights Respecting Ambassadors had a brilliant day representing Ninian Park at the Cluster Conference at Fitzalan High School. The right to be listened to and taken seriously (Article 12)

28th March- Joe Wicks the Body Coach came along today to do a HIIT workout with us - Article 24: We have the right to education on health and well-being so that we can stay healthy.

March 25th- Sally Holland the Children's Commissioner came to see how rights are experienced at Ninian Park and to work with Year 1 and 2 children following her 'Beth Nawr? What Now?' Special Mission

22nd March- A great morning of competition and global learning for WorldWaterDay2019 with Tyn y Wern Primary School and Hendre School in Cardiff and partner schools in Thaba Tseka, Lesotho #leavenoonebehind #uncrc #SDG6

15th March- We've gone Red for Comic Relief today to raise money for those less fortunate than us. We want to do our bit to help others as All Children have rights no matter what! (Article 2)

13th March- Today we have been learning about the right to kept safe from harmful drugs (article33)

5-8th March- Fairtrade fortnight has helped us to learn about rights around the work and how buying Fairtrade products can help other children round the world to enjoy their rights

22nd February- Money raised on our St David's day celebrations yesterday are on the way to Lesotho to help build an outdoor learning shelter at our partner school Katlehong Primary School. All children have rights no matter what (Article 2), The right to education (Article 28), The right to relax and play (Article 31) The right to a clean and safe environment (Article 24)

21st February- Eisteddfod celebrations ahead of our half term break. A true celebration of Welsh language and culture

14th December- Today we dressed in Christmas jumpers to raise money for Save the Children. All Children have rights no matter what (Article 2)

27th November- Today we have been learning about food allergies and how to be more aware of those around us We have the right to be safe (Article 19)

20th November- Everyone got involved celebrating World Children’s Day; highlighting the rights we all share. #ChildrensDay2018 #RRSNP #goblueforeverychild

16th Novermber- We've been raising money for Children in need day 2018 by coming to school in our pyjamas- All children have rights no matter what (Article 2)

5th November- Today we shared the news of our Rights Respecting Schools Journey with the school community. Our Super Ambassador shared what our rights are and the role of Sally Holland (the Children's Commissioner for Wales) and her Special Missions

18th October- It was so lovely to meet with parents to tell them about the exciting journey that we are embarking on with Unicef to promote children's rights through Rights Respecting Schools

9th October- The Super Ambassadors have had a busy day of training with the Children's Commissioner for Wales and their peers across Cardiff

9th October- The Super Ambassadors have had a busy day of trainning with the Children's Commissioner for Wales and their peers across Cardiff