Last day of the Summer term is Friday 19th July. School opens to pupils on Tuesday 3rd September. We hope you have a wonderful summer break.

Ninian Park Primary School


Safety on the roads

Crossing the roads



Our school is bordered by two very busy roads.  We have a pedestrian crossings near both our main entrance and playground gates. 


We do not have any crossing patrol officers (aka lollipop people) so please show your children how to use them and act as positive role models to embed road safety. 





At the start and end of the day we know you are eager to pick up and drop off your children. However, we would like to remind you not to park on the yellow lines outside of school. This is a no parking zone and could lead to an accident.


There are lots of residential parking zones near the school, so please be careful where you park and be respectful to our neighbours.  We all value access to our homes.  Blocking access to driveways and parking so that other people cannot move their cars, can result in a breakdown in the positive relationships that we work hard to sustain with our local community.


Please do your bit to keep everyone safe on the roads.



Cycling safety


In Year 4 and 5 we offer pupils the chance to learn to ride a two-wheeled bike on our playground.  We use trained professionals and our own bike fleet.  Pupils must have parental permission to participate in our 'Learn to Ride' programme, which usually lasts 4 days and is offered on a first come, first served basis.  Four days is usually deemed long enough to take a child from beginner to competent in starting, stopping and turning.


In Year 6 pupils are offered the county's cycling proficiency course.  The school can loan pupils bicycles and safety helmets from our bike fleet.  The course lasts four days and is delivered by external professionals.  It begins with a cycle safety check and an assessment of which pupils are confident, competent and able to follow instructions.  Those who are deemed suitable are taught how to ride their bike on the roads around the school.  This includes how to start off, move around parked cars, deal with busy traffic and turn right when riding on the road.


As safety is always paramount, anyone who does not follow school rules or the tutors' instructions will be removed from the course immediately.


