Last day of the Summer term is Friday 19th July. School opens to pupils on Tuesday 3rd September. We hope you have a wonderful summer break.

Ninian Park Primary School


Right of the week

The right of the week allows us to focus our attention and learn about our rights, how we experience them, how others round the world experience them and how we can help others to enjoy these rights too. 

Right of the Week Activity during home learning


Each week we will be sharing with you activities sent by Unicef so that you can learn alongside children from all over the world about specific rights.


Take a look at the information below and then have a go at completing some of the activities. Don't forget to share them with your teacher on Seesaw.




20/4/2020- Right of the week

Right of the week explained

Still image for this video

Activities for Article 24

W/C 16th March 2020 - Article 24: All children have the right to clean sustainable water



The theme of World Water Day (20th March 2020) is Water and climate.This week we will be thinking about the importance of clean water and the why it is vital not to waste water in our daily lives (e.g. turn off the tap when brushing your teeth!). We will also continue our focus on hygiene through thorough hand washing. 

W/C 9th March 2020 - Article 33: Children have the right to be protected from dangerous drugs


This week we are learning about the harmful effects that cigarettes and second hand smoke can have on our bodies as we recognise national No Smoking day on 11th March 2020. Thank you for respecting our schools smoke free policy.

W/C 2nd March 2020 - Article 29: The right to be the best we can be 


It's a very busy week ahead at Ninian Park this week. With St David's Day celebrations, World Book day and Fair Trade Friday there will be lots of opportunities to celebrate our talents and show our capabilities.

W/C 24th February 2020- Article 7: You have the right to a name and nationality


This week is Cymraeg week at Ninian Park, all classes are busy getting creative and sharing their pride in Wales ahead of our Eisteddfod celebrations on Monday 2nd March.


W/C 10th February 2020

Article 24- Every child has the right to learn about health and well-being so we can stay healthy.


It's Well-being week here at Ninian Park. The theme of the week is Healthy Body, Healthy Mind and to celebrate we will be learning how to stay fit and healthy and now to be more mindful of ours and others needs.

W/C 3rd February 2020

Article 17- Every child has the right to safe and honest information from the media




Next Tuesday, 11th February, is Safer Internet day. We will be linking this with our right to access safe and honest information and how we can better identify what is and isn't honest so that we are as safe as we can be.

W/C 27th January 2020

Article 8- The right to have an identity



Today, Holocaust Memorial Day,  we remember the importance of respecting others rights, learning from history and of standing up and helping others to access their rights.  

W/C 20th January 2020

Article 30- The right to learn about the language, customs and religions of others and ourselves




W/C 13th January 2020

Article 13- Every child should be free to express their thoughts and opinions




W/C 6th January 2020

Article 29- The right to be the best I can be.



This week as we begin the new term and new year we will be thinking about setting ourselves new targets and goals to help us to be the best that we can be.

W/C 16th December 2019

Article 30- All children have the right to a culture and language.



This week is Around the World week at Ninian Park. We will be learning about the different countries and cultures that we are part of.

W/C 9th December 2019

Article 2- All children have these rights no matter what.



Tuesday 10th December 2019 marks Human's Rights day 2020. As part of this we will be looking at the rights that are enjoyed by children at our school and how we can help others to experience their rights too.

W/C 2nd December 2019

Article 14- Every child has the right to follow their own religion.



W/C 25th November 2019

Article 8- You have the right to a name and nationality.




W/C 18th November 2019

Article 2- All children have these rights no matter what.



On the 20th November 2019, World Children's Day, We will be celebrating 30 years since the signing of the United Nations Childrens Rights Charter (UNCRC) with our very own Rights Day! Each Year group will be learning about a different Right this week; how we enjoy it, how others make this possible and how they can help others to enjoy their rights too.

-Keep an eye on our school Twitter page this Thursday 20th November to see what we have been getting upto.

W/C 11th November 2019

Article 38- Children should be protected during wars and not allowed to fight



This week, on Armistice day, we remember those who have died to keep us safe and those who are still working to keep us all safe. We remember those who may not be enjoying their right to be kept safe from wars and send our thoughts to them.

W/C 4th November 2019

Article 19- Every child has the right to kept safe from harm


With Bonfire night this week we will be finding out  how to keep ourselves and others safe around fireworks. Can you share your learning with your friends and family at home?

W/C 21st October 2019

Article 19- Every child has the right to kept safe from harm



It's safety week at Ninian Park Primary School this week. We will be finding out about how to keep ourselves and others safe in a range of situations. Can you share your learning with your friends and family at home?

W/C 14th October 2019

Article 24- Every child has the right to clean sustainable water



The 15th October is Global Handwashing day 2019. Do you when you should wash your hands and why? Do you know how long to wash your hands for? Do you know how to wash your hands effectively? This Global Handwashing day why not find out and share the message with your friends and family. Lets not be water wasters!



W/C 7th October 2019

Article 13- Every child must be free to express their thoughts and opinions


Ahead of our first Pupil Action Group  (PAG) meetings for 2019-20 we are reminded that we must all have the chance to express our views on matters that concern us.

W/C 30th September 2019

Article 6- We have the right to grow up fit and healthy


October is Walk to School Month so this week we will be discussing our health and well-being as well as the health of our environment. How many of us could commit to walking to school this month?

W/C 23rd September 2019

Article 27- The right to a good standard of living and support form the government if needed.


With Harvest fast approaching, we will be reflecting on what we have and how we can help those who are less fortunate through collections of food. 

W/C 16th September 2019

Article 12- The right to be listened to and taken seriously


After a week of hard work and deliberation, the final four candidates for the positions of Head Boy and Head Girl for Ninian Park Primary School 2019-20 have been selected. Now it's up to you all to raise your voices and have your say. During assemblies this week you will be watching the campaign videos  and then voting for who you feel would best represent you this year. The two Deputies will become our Rights Respecting Super Ambassadors. Good luck to all the candidates and happy voting.  

W/C 9th September 2019

Article 29- The right to be the best you can be


As we begin our first full week of learning, the Rights Ambassadors wanted to remind our peers that we all have the right to an education that helps us to be the best that we can be. Have a great week sharing what you are going to aspire to achieve this year!
