Ninian Park Primary School
Welcome to Ninian Park Primary School.
We are a busy but friendly school, with lots going on. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.
We are an English medium, community co-educational school. We are at the heart of our community with nearly 50 languages spoken by our talented pupils. We are a three-form entry school, meaning that we have 90 pupils in each year group.
You can find us in the Grangetown area of Cardiff, on the edge of the lovely Sevenoaks Park. Our site is mainly made up of restored Victorian buildings; two of which are linked by a modern two-storey admin block. We have a separate building that is home to our morning and afternoon Nursery classes. Our single storey Victorian building houses pupils from Reception to Year2; with our Year 3 to 6 pupils being beased in the two storey Victorian wing. We have several outdoor areas that are used for learning and breaktimes.
We are a team of over 70 teachers, teaching assistants, admin and support staff, under the leadership of Miss Scott. Miss Scott arrived at Ninian Park Primary in 2015 and has seen the school through many wonderful changes, improving academically (gaining green status on categorisation); environmentally (with the two year building refurbishment) and in size (finally becoming fully three-form entry in September 2020).
Enjoy Respect Achieve
We offer a happy and caring environment where children can learn in and around a beautiful Victorian building. We constantly review the opportunities we can provide for the pupils to ensure they find the joy in learning through a wide and varied range of experiences. As pupils progress through the school they will be able to participate in many extra-curricular activities and trips, to encourage them to explore new skills and talents in a fun and stimulating environment.
With nearly 50 languages spoken by our pupils and staff, we have many different cultures working and playing alongside each other. At Ninian Park Primary we all learn and play together, celebrating what makes us special and sharing those things that unite us. We value a strong ethos of respect and tolerance for those who are different to us; and the diversity of our local community.
Our curriculum is designed to develop enquiring minds that seek to explore and improve the world around them; understanding that achievement can be found in many forms. We help pupils to develop a knowledge and understanding of issues that affect their health and wellbeing, so that they can form positive relationships and overcome challenges. Our pupils understand that everyone has the right to be fully included as a member of our community. Through all of this we promote working together to fulfil your potential, sharing your skills, time and energy. The education we provide is carefully matched to the learning needs of each pupil. We strive to develop each child's self-esteem and sense of well-being, so that they are ready, willing and able to learn.
At Ninian Park we value strong and supportive home-school links, as we believe that this close partnership underpins everything in school and helps our pupils and community flourish.