Last day of the Summer term is Friday 19th July. School opens to pupils on Tuesday 3rd September. We hope you have a wonderful summer break.

Ninian Park Primary School


Safety - risk, first aid and medication


In school we risk assess activities that pupils complete. This means that we encourage pupils to try new experiences, whilst limiting the risk to themselves and others.  From nursery we talk about the need to be safe, and discuss with pupils how they can reduce the likelihood of dangers through making different choices and thinking about consequences.  We do not aim to remove all risk, this is not a realistic life goal, but we do aim to teach children to assess risks (with support) and make the safest choices that they can



First aid


Our school has two fully trained first aiders and nearly all our teaching assistants have completed the paediatric first aid training course. 


If a child should be injured during their time in school, it will be recorded in our first aid book.  If a child has a cut to their body or any injury to their head, we will attempt to contact parents by phone (so please make sure your mobile numbers are always kept up to date in the office). 


At the end of the day, an adult will attempt to explain any injury and your child should have a slip explaining the injury and any first aid they received.  Please make sure your child brings a book bag to school each day to help us get these slips safely to you; as little hands can drop slips in the excitement of seeing parents at the end of the day, and there can be many draws on a teacher's attention at this busy time.  In the unlikely event that you find out that your child has been injured, and no information passed on, please let us know which adult they told about their accident and we will endeavour to find out what happened as quickly as possible.


For more information please see the school handbook.




Medicines in school


For the fullest and most up-to-date information please ask at the main office.


Generally, only medication prescribed by a doctor will be administered during the school day.  All medicines need to have a prescription label with the child's name, name of the medicine, dose and expiry date.  Staff administer prescribed medication in line with the school policy and only if they feel comfortable and competent to do so.


Parents and carers will need to complete an appropriate permission form.  This is available from the main office.


