Last day of the Summer term is Friday 19th July. School opens to pupils on Tuesday 3rd September. We hope you have a wonderful summer break.

Ninian Park Primary School


Year 2

Summer Term Homework for Year 2: Over the next few weeks, try and complete as many activities as you can, either upload them to Seesaw or bring in your work to share with your teachers and classmates.

Spring Term - Year 2 pupils will be looking at the enquiry question 'Can the oceans be ruled?' Please help your child with the different tasks on the homework sheet.

Spring Term homework sheet

We had a great experience taking part in a dance workshop with Afon Community Dance. We were able to move in a variety of ways, use our senses as well as imagination.

This term Year 2 have been exploring the enquiry question 'What does it mean to be a Cardiff citizen?' Please look through your child's homework activities and see how many you can complete.
