Last day of the Summer term is Friday 19th July. School opens to pupils on Tuesday 3rd September. We hope you have a wonderful summer break.

Ninian Park Primary School


Week 7

Shwmae Year 6!


How are you all doing? We hope you have been keeping yourselves safe and busy during the lockdown. We're so glad that lots of you are continuing to engage with the Home Learning activities each week - well done laugh We miss seeing you all in school and teaching you new skills in lessons - and seeing those bright smiles every day! 


This week we have planned another week of bite sized activities for Maths and Literacy. We are really enjoying seeing the work you are adding to your Seesaw accounts - please keep this up by taking photos of your work or completing the work through the Seesaw functions! If you are able to take photos and submit your work on Seesaw then we can mark and comment on it for you and give feedback (just like we do in normal lessons!). Don’t worry if you can’t though, keep working in your exercise book or notepad. 


Remember not to worry about printing out any of the work sheets. If you'd like to then great, but you can write your answers and work on a piece of paper or booksyes


This week's Enquiry task has been split into two: a Rights Respecting Special Mission for you to complete and Ninian Park's Virtual Sports Day! (see the Home Learning Overview - they've also both been set up as Seesaw activities)




Click on the link below for more details on how to take part from Tuesday this week!


You will need to:
● Complete one or more of the sports day tasks from the website each day from Tuesday to Friday
● Take a photo or video and upload them to Seesaw - so we can keep track of the house points you earn!
● Each activity you complete and upload a picture or video of will earn 5 points for your house.

You will win a Bronze, Silver or Gold certificate depending on how many activities you complete!
What certificate will you get!?


Keep positive, stay home and stay safe.


Miss Lewis and Miss Norrish





Optional Extra Home Learning Activity

WWF Biodiversity Week!

Click on this link to find out more and get exploring!


Dear Year 6 Pupils,

Biodiversity supports everything in nature that we need to survive.

Starting Monday 18th May, we're providing daily activities to help students connect with nature and learn more about our planet's incredible biodiversity. Zoologist and adventurer, Sophie Pavelle, will join us throughout the week as we gear up to our UK wide Garden BioBlitz that starts on Friday 22nd May.


Stay safe and enjoy exploring our amazing planet!


Lizzie Goldsbrough and Caroline Howkins
WWF Education Officers

