Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School


Healthy Schools

Healthy Schools

We are currently at phase 5 of the healthy schools accreditation and we are working towards phase 6


As part of this we will continue to


* Promote healthy eating

* Promote exercise/fitness activities

* Provide a healthy Tuck Shop (picture of healthy tuck shop to follow)

* Teach children the right messages


Your support is needed!


* Only fruit or vegetables allowed at break time

* Please provide a healthy lunch box (leaflets available at school office)

* No birthday cakes, chocolates, sweets allowed to be brought into school

* Encourage your child to exercise


Bike It

We have just re-launched Bike It and there will be some exciting things coming up.


* Bling your bike

* Bike doctor session - free bike checks

* Bike safety

* Bike sales – chance to purchase a bike at discounted price

* Competitions


We encourage children to cycle, scoot or walk to school if possible.

There is a bike shed on the school premises which is locked daily.


This is a great way to start the day!




Breakfast Club

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, It is important that your child has a breakfast to prepare them for their learning.


We offer a free breakfast to all children. If you would like your child/ren to join please complete a registration form at the office.


Doors open 8:25


Please take advantage of the free service provided.


Wake Up – Shake Up


Start your day in an active way; join Mrs Bajwa for some fun and exciting exercises.


This will wake you up and get you ready for learning.


(picture to follow)




Food and Fitness Club

The Food and Fitness Club is run by Mrs Swain, this is a 10 week course every Monday (3:15- 4:45)


This course will teach children


* Eatwell plate

* How to read food labels

* Understanding fats

* Food hygiene/safety

* How to cook some healthy recipes

* How to stay fit


There is a small cost on the cooking days (£1.50) a timetable will be provided when the children sign up.


There is currently a waiting list due to high demand. If you are interested please see Mrs Swain.



Coming Soon


* Food Co-Op – you will have the chance to purchase fruit and vegetables for a discounted price of £3 per bag




  • New fun activities for the playground – this will involve challenges and new ways to get up and active.



  • Annual Healthy Schools Week
  •  Smoothie bike at Tuck Shop

