Thank you to all who donated to Velindre. Together we raised £310.79.

Ninian Park Primary School




Stay and Play October 2024



We will be having PE on Friday, please can your child wear PE kit to school on this day, including shoes to run in. 


We will be changing books weekly and these will be sent home on a Friday. Please send their book bags in every Monday (Reception),Thursday (Nursery)Please remember to comment on your shared reading with your child. 


Dinner can be ordered and school trips are paid using Parent Pay for Reception. If you have not set up an account please ask to speak to Mrs Richards in the office who can help you.


Please supply your child with a snack. Please remember that, as a healthy eating school, only one item of fruit or vegetables can be eaten at snack time. There are NO NUTS allowed in school due to allergies. We will provide your child with a small bottle of milk but please provide your child with a water bottle. Only water can be drunk during lesson times and              playtimes.


Nursery - please provide your child with a backpack (clearly labelled with their name). Please ensure that you provide your child with a change of clothes, spare underwear/nappies in case of an accident and their snack. Please label all of your child’s belongings. 



Our class ends the day at 11:15am/2:45pm and you can collect your children from the gate on Sloper Road.


Our class ends the day at 3pm and you can collect your children from the playground. 




  • We wear school uniform here and PE kits only on PE days.
  • We do not wear jewellery to school.
  • Please do not park on the lines outside of our school or blocking our neighbours’ drives.
  • It is very important to come to school everyday.  


School starts promptly at 08:55 but school gates are open for you to drop your child off from 08:45 each morning.


School starts promptly at 8.45/12:15 but the Nursery gate is open for you to drop your child off from 8.35/12:05 each morning/afternoon. If the Nursery gate is locked, please go to the main office.

  • If your child is ill then you must leave a message on the absence phone line (029 20 388 991) or speak to a member of staff.
  • Please let us know if you change your contact details, e.g. address or mobile phone number.


School rules


  • We respect others at all times.
  • We keep our hands, feet and unkind words to ourselves
  • We listen to others when they are talking.
  • We follow instructions straight away.
  • We look after our belongings and those of other people.


Whilst we cannot always meet to discuss issues at the beginning of the day, please let us know if there is something that is concerning you, or your child, and we will arrange a meeting as soon as possible.


What makes me special?
