Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School


Pupil Action Groups

Welcome to our Pupil Action Group page

Pupil Action Groups 2023-2024


Our Pupil Action Groups (PAGs) are made up of pupils from Year 1 to Year 6.  Each PAG has an area that they take the lead on across the year, e.g. Welsh, behaviour, outdoor learning, etc.  The pupils take the lead and make the decisions, with the staff taking a supportive role only. 


All members of each PAG sign a Code of Conduct, elect Chair (usually from Year 6) and set targets, which make up an action plan for the year.


We meet up at the end of each half term for a morning,  to work on our action plans.  This is followed by our School Senedd meeting,  where the Chairs of each PAG get together to discuss their projects and ideas.  Once any decisions are made, the minutes of the Senedd are shared with the rest of the school via a PowerPoint in class assemblies; so that  all pupils know what is happening in their school.



Please click on the icons above to find out more about what our PAGs have planned for this year.







School Senedd

Our School Senedd is made up of the chair-pupil from each PAG.  The Senedd meets after each PAG session to discuss updates and work on ways to liaise with each other.


Here is this year's Senedd - 


All members of the Senedd have to sign a Code of Conduct, help write their own constitution and an action plan for the year.


Head girl introducing PAG - clip

This is is just a snippet of our amazing head girl, who introduces each Pupil Action Group to nearly 200 pupils each half term.

Pupil Action Groups Review of 2022-2023

Our Pupil Action Groups (aka PAGs) are run by all our pupils from Year 3 to Year 6. They meet once per half term. Each of our PAGs contain someone from each class to ensure everyone’s views get heard.

Here is a review of what some of our PAGs have been up to in 2022-2023. This has just been updated with some additional videos. We hope you find it informative and enjoyable.

Our Pupil Action Groups are made up of representatives from Years 3 through to Year 6. They are lead by the Head Boy and Girl who the children elect by holding a ballot during the Autumn Term. Follow the link below to see the videos created by this year's candidates for Head Boy & Girl:


Our Pupil Action Groups (PAGs) are made up of pupils from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.  We aim to have at least one pupil from each class in every PAG.  The PAGs meet at the end of each half term to discuss topical and school-based issues. They work together with their fellow pupils, staff and governors to support school development.  Each PAG is lead by a Year 6 chairperson and supported by a teacher.


Members from each PAG are encouraged to discuss issues raised with their classmates and familiar adults before feeding back their ideas within their Pupil Action Group meetings. PAG discussions are then shared with members of Senior Leadership through the School Senedd, which is made up of the Year 6 chairpersons from each group, who meet after each Pupil Action Group session.


This year our PAGs are - 

  • Arty Action - improving the creativity in our curriculum and in our local environment.
  • Creative Community - working to link the school with the wider community.
  • Criw Cymraeg - aiming to increase our use of Welsh in school.
  • Excellent Eco - ensuring we are maintaining our Eco standards.
  • Fabulous Families - trying to increase parental engagement in school life.
  • Healthy Community - working to make us healthier both in school and at home.
  • Helping Others, Helping Ourselves (HOHO) - bringing all our stakeholders together to make life better, through fund raising and community events.
  • Language Leaders - highlighting the skills and knowledge of the languages our pupils and families speak (currently 48 different languages).
  • Legends of Lunchtime - making lunchtimes a more pleasurable and healthy experience for everyone.
  • Money Makers - raising money for worthy causes.
  • Music Masters - raising awareness of music and musicians to improve our mood and the curriculum.
  • Outdoor Adventurers - exploring ways to encourage more pupils and staff to use the outdoors to enhance and extend learning.
  • PE Masters - inspiring us to be more active.
  • Playground Community - improving the playground experience for everyone.
  • Rights Ambassadors - ensuring that all pupils are aware of their rights and how they can support others in accessing theirs.
  • Safety Saviours - improving the health and safety of our school.
  • Sensory Superstars - creating a sensory garden at Cardiff Castle and in our school's Forest School area.
  • Siarter Iaith - embedding our Welsh skills that have gained us the Siarter Iaith Awr award (Gold Language Charter Award).
  • STEM Squad - challenging us to problem solve, create and analyse our way through new experiences and challenges.
  • Tech Leaders - developing our use and understanding of how devices can enhance our learning.
  • The Kind Crew - supporting our health, well-being and positive relationships by helping us to be more kind, tolerant and understanding towards each other.
  • Warm Welcome Warriors - celebrating the many cultures and diversity of our school community.


This is a huge school teamwork event.  A big thank you to everyone who helps pupils develop their confidence, leadership and problem solving skills.

Meet our Head Boy and Girl for 2020-2021

Meet our Super Ambassadors for 2020-2021


Head over to the Rights Respecting Ambassador's page to find out about the right of the week and to read about our exciting news and developments:


Meet our Head Boy and Girl 2019-20


Meet our Rights Respecting Super Ambassador's 2019-20

Meet our Head Boy and Head Girl 2018-19

Meet our Rights Respecting Super Ambassadors 2018-19


Head over to the Rights Respecting Ambassador's page to find out all of our exciting news and developments:

School Council 2017-2018



Today, our Super Ambassadors have been working with the Children's Commisioner for Wales to discuss the Rights of a Child and learn about the latest mission

Meet our Head Boy and Girl for 2017-18

School Council 2016 - 2017

This morning our Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl met and interviewed Vaughn Gethin from the Welsh Assembly government about his visit to our school- Keep a look out for the latest edition of Ninian News to find out what he had to say...

Our Head Boy and Head Girl have been elected

Meet our representatives
