Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School


Year 4

Sportswear Designer Summer Term Homework.

What are we learning about?



Summer 1 Topic: Sportswear Designer.


On your marks. Get set. Go!

Put your running shoes on and get ready to become a sportswear designer.


Begin by heading off to your local sports superstore to investigate sports clothing. What is your favourite item? What are its uses?


Then dive into the lucrative world of sports advertising. Take on the challenge of creating a web page to present a favourite piece of sportswear or equipment. Can you remember any sports- related slogans? Or, can you make up your own?



Explore the world of sporting endeavour; improve your score and your fitness too! Plan a healthy meal or two to boost your sporting prowess.


Then use your skills and understanding to make a fantastic sports shoe. What will it look like and what features will it have? The choice is yours!


Please see the homework menu at the bottom of the page for more ideas on what you can do at home to extend your learning.


Maths:  We will be developing our data handling and data representing skills by collecting and collating data and sharing it through the methods of; lists, tally charts, tables and diagrams, bar charts and bar lines graphs labelled in 2s, 5s and 10s, pictograms and Venn and Carroll diagrams. We will be continuing to use and select appropriate standards of units when estimating and measuring length, weight/mass and capacity. We will also continue to use our mathematical skills in a variety of contexts and everyday situations. Mental Math’s will be practiced daily during CLIC sessions where the four mathematical operations; addition, subtraction, division and multiplication will be revised and further developed.


Literacy: We will be developing our Oracy skills by contributing positively in group discussions and encouraging each other to be included and take part. We will be developing listening and responding skills by engaging in group discussions and then giving views and opinions on what the speaker has said. We will also be perfecting our organisational talk so that different audiences can follow what is being said through Drama Presentations and ‘Hot Seating’ scenarios. Year 4 will continue to develop their writing skills through writing opportunities that promote writing for a purpose and learning about Playlists using Poetry and Traditional Songs.


Science: In Spring 2, we will be making careful observations and accurately measuring and recording data when investigating the volume of a range of sounds. We will be developing this information by clearly communicating and sharing our findings through speech, writing, drawings, diagrams, charts, tables, bar charts, line graphs, videos and appropriate ICT software using appropriate and relevant scientific vocabulary.


 Important things to remember:

We have P.E. every Thursday afternoon. Pupils need to bring their P.E. kit with them. Blue or white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers.


Homework and Reading books are given out every Friday and expected to be returned to school on a Monday morning.



We are often asked how parents can help their children at home. Here are some ideas for you:


* Pupils will have a homework menu each half term, with activities linked to their topic work. They can complete them as little or often as they like but should aim to complete all the tasks by the end of the half term.


* Reading. Your child has an online account with their reading books (as well as some math’s games). They need to read the books and answer the questions. This helps us to assess their comprehension skills, which are as important as their ability to read fluently. Listening to your child read means that you can pick up on their mistakes. Reading TO your child helps them to understand what good, fluent reading with expression sounds like.






Sportswear Designer!

Big Maths CLIC tests
