Ninian Park Primary School
We hope you are continuing to keep safe and are relaxing and having fun at home with your families. Have any of you learned any new skills? Maybe taken up a new hobby or been cooking up a storm?
Lots of you are now posting your home learning work on our class Seesaw pages and it’s great to see all the learning taking place! If you are able to take photos and submit your work on Seesaw then we can mark and comment on it for you! Don’t worry if you can’t though, keep working in your exercise book or notepad.
Some of you might have already completed the time capsule booklet with a variety of different activities to do during this time dealing with COVID-19, If you haven't, this would be a great task to do so you have a record and memory of how you dealt with the situation for years to come… you will become the living history experts for this time just like Doug was during WW2- Imagine the stories you will be able to share when you’re older.
As well as this, please log in to your Active Learn/Bug Club accounts as we have allocated you lots of new, fun, interactive games and activities linked to Maths, Literacy and Science.
Keep safe, stay in touch!
Miss Norrish and Miss Lewis
Why not visit the right of the week page to look at the right for this week and the activities you can do linked to it: