Ninian Park Primary School
Criw Cymraeg
The Criw Cymraeg took a trip to Ysgol Hamadryad in Cardiff Bay in the Spring term. We enjoyed a tour of the school, a discussion on the Siarter Iaith Cymraeg Camous gold award and learning new Welsh yard games. We can’t wait to try them at break times! Diolch yn fawr Ysgol Hamadryad 😄
The Criw Cymraeg enjoyed making and selling Welsh ‘Nadolig Llawen’ cards at our winter fair in December. Diolch to everyone that bought one of our cards!
Our PAG is supported by Mrs Fletcher this year.
Criw Cymraeg
Our chair is Mariam.
Our aims for this year are -
If you have any ideas or support you'd like to offer please speak to Miss Lewis and Miss Fitzsimmons.