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Ninian Park Primary School


School Rules and Behaviour

Ninian Park School Rules



1. We respect others at all times



2. We keep our hands, feet and unkind words to ourselves.


3. We listen to others when they are talking.


4. We follow instructions straight away.


5. We look after our belongings and those of other people.


What will happen if I do not follow the school rules?


Consequences of poor behaviour choices: 


If I misbehave: 

I will have one reminder of the good behaviour expected at Ninian Park Primary. 




I will have the opportunity to continue to work with my class, making better choices.  If I choose to behave I nothing further will happen, and the teacher may praise my positive choices (the adults will make the decision on whether highlighting the change in choices will be a positive or negative situation).


If I misbehave for a second time: 

If I continue to make poor choices ...




I am not being fair to my classmates and I am stopping the learning taking place in my class so I will have ‘time out’ in my partner class, where I can continue with my work; have time away from any triggers and reflect on alternative choices I could have made.


If after that chance I still carry on misbehaving. 

If my poor behaviour continues on return to class ...




I will be sent to my Head of Progression Step who will then decide on the appropriate consequence.  My parents maybe informed by my class teacher. 



If all of this happens again and I have another consequence card my parents will be called for a formal meeting with my teacher/Miss Scott/Mrs Morris/Miss Rhodes.  


Graduated response 

At Ninian Park we aim for a happy atmosphere where staff and parents work in partnership to provide a caring and stimulating environment in which our children can thrive. As part of this we promote and maintain clear expectations of good behaviour.  


However, children who make the poor choices they are given a verbal warning.  If they do not heed the warning they will be given Time Out in a parallel class. If they continue to not follow the school rules and make poor choices they receive a consequence (e.g. teacher to call home). 


Universal Support 

At Ninian Park we believe that a positive attitude and ethos contribute to positive learning and behaviour in school.  We achieve this in a variety of ways: 

  • Personal greetings each day and positive ‘corridor talk’ 

  • Positive praise in learning environments from staff and peers. 

  • Nurture strategies used across the school on a daily basis e.g. the Thrive approach.  

  • Celebrations of positive work and attitudes e.g. praise stickers, class Dojos, star reader awards.  

  • Circle time 

  • Wellbeing and Theme assemblies 

  • Wellbeing projects and focussed work.  

  • Class charters 

  • Rights Respecting School work  



Targeted Support 

Some children may require additional support in managing their behaviour positively.  In such instances the class teacher will work with the child and parents to create an Individual Behaviour Plan to suit the needs of that child.  This may be in the form of a ‘star/choices chart’ or through additional strategies within school.  


Small groups of children can be supported through specific nurture activities. e.g. Emotional Literacy Support Assistants, Forest Schools and Thrive groups.  


Restorative strategies used in school to resolve conflict or issues. 



For more information ask to see our Positive Relationships Policy.


