Last day of the Summer term is Friday 19th July. School opens to pupils on Tuesday 3rd September. We hope you have a wonderful summer break.

Ninian Park Primary School


Week 11

Shwmae Year 6!


How are you all doing? Last week, we made a number of phone calls to your parents about the school reopening. Whether your parents have decided to send you in or keep you at home, the weekly Home Learning activities will continue up until the Summer Holidays.


*It is really important you log into your Seesaw account as soon as possible to get your new code - otherwise your old code may have run out. We sent you each a private note with your new code - please reply to our message to say you've logged into the new code!*


Please continue to send in your work on Seesaw. This will enable us to see what you are getting up to and how you're getting on with the Home Learning, and also give you feedback just like we do in lessons. If you are able to upload your work using the Seesaw app features or by simply taking a photo of your work then please continue to do so. If you are unable to do this, then please continue completing work in a notebook.


Remember, keep up-to-date with the Transition Activities & Information from each High School (see the link to the PDF below). Well done to those of you who have already made a start on some of the Transition activities for your school - da iawn! yes


Don't forget, if you have any issues with your login details and accessing your online accounts - email the school at 


Happy learning! Hopefully see some of you soon!


Miss Lewis and Miss Norrish

Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Activities & Information for each High School
