Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School


Homework Menus

Does Conflict Lead to Change?


13th March 2020

Look at the photos below of the miner strikes. Use the I SEE, I THINK, I WONDER diagram to create your own on scrap paper. Note down things you can see in the photo, what you think is happening and questions you might want to ask about what is going on. E.g. When was this photo taken? How are these people feeling in the photo and why?



2nd March 2020

We have had a brilliant trip to the Big Pit this week. We learned a lot about the history of the Welsh mines. Can you please answer the following questions, recalling what you learned on the underground tour:


1. Many items are not allowed in the mine for safety reasons. Can you recall any of these items?


2. Why was it important that these items were to taken underground?


3. What equipment are you given to wear down the mine? Explain why they are important.


4. What are the air-doors for? Why are they important?


5. List two jobs children did in the mines.


6. At what age did many children work in the early 1800's (Victorian times)?


7. How many horses lived in the underground stables at Big Pit?


8. List five of the horses' names.


9. Which birds were kept at all the coal mines until recently?


10. Why were they kept?


7th February 2020

What a fantastic trip we had this week to Cardiff Castle! We took part in wartime singing and an air raid precaution workshop, and we also went on a tour of Cardiff Castle's air raid shelter.


Following on from this, we would like you to find out about the 'Home Front' and create a presentation of some form to share with the class.


The UK was called the 'Home Front' as people back in their homes were part of the war. 'The war affected everyone whether they were on the front line (in Europe) or on the home front (back in Britain).Not everyone went to fight, but everyone helped in the 'war effort' in some way or other.'


You could share your information on paper in the form of a non-chronological report or on the computer as a Powerpoint Presentation (remember you can share your homework with us using Hwb emails or Google Classroom).


Use the following links and information to help you:



31st January 2020

Continuing on from our learning about rationing this week, we would like you to research some war time recipes and create a page for our 'Year 6 War Time Recipe Book' using instructional writing. Why not try making it yourself? Add some photos to it!


Steps to success: I have...

* researched war time recipes (think about the ingredients used during rationing!)

* used the features of instruction writing e.g. bullet points, ingredients, equipment, numbered instructions, 'bossy' imperative verbs', sub headings, time connectives etc.

* included images or drawings of the food

* try making it!


24th January 2020

Ahead of our learning next week, we would like you to imagine you are an evacuee during WW2, what would you take with you? Pack a shoebox with some of your favourite things (or draw the things you would take with you) with reasons for your choices and bring them to school on Monday to share with others.



17th January 2020

This week we have been learning about how important morse code was during WW2 to help making communication safe and secure. We would like you to have a go at creating your own morse code message using the alphabet below.



10th January 2020

This week we have begun our learning for our new enquiry project. For homework we would like you to find out about one or more of the key figures from WW2 and create a fact file about them.

( for example: Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin)

 Remember to include:

*key facts and dates


*Pictures with captions 

Most importantly- remember to write the information in your own words!


Feel free to send your homework via Hwb:

Miss Lewis:

Miss Norrish:
