Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School


Rights Ambassadors

Right's Ambassadors 2020-2021



We are the Rights Ambassadors.  Our job is to make sure that the rest of the school know all about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.  We have helped Miss Norrish plan out one right for every week.  These are introduced in assembly each week and put up in our classrooms.  We also have Roary the Dragon who shouts about our rights all around the school.   Have you seen him around the school?

Our aims are to - 

  • Celebrate the World Children's Day 2020.
  • Ensure each class has a rights' charter and Right of the Week poster.
  • Work towards the Gold Award.
  • Be advocates for helping others to access their rights.
  • Reduce our school waste by recycling more effectively.


So far this year we have - 

  • Checked that everyone has their charters on show.
  • Selected our Head Boy and Girl as well as our Super Ambassadors to guide our team
  • Continued to promote the rights with the Right of the Week
  • Participated in the Super Ambassador Special Missions from Sally Holland (our Children's Commissioner)
  • As a team across the phases we have worked with Colorphoto to create Right's Charters for our outdoor spaces.
  • Year 6 have been working to advocate for the rights of others- So far they have:
    • introduced Terracycle to recycle our pens and equipment that would otherwise go to landfill 
    • introduced food bins to classrooms to help us better recycle our lunch and break waste.

Rights of the Child


In 1989 governments from across the world agreed to the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child).  It recognised that all children have the right to be treated with dignity and fairness, to be protected and developed to their full potential and have the right to participate in their own life.  The UNCRC has 54 articles in total, but the first one is one of the most important -


Everyone under the age of 18 has all the rights of the Convention.


Each week at Ninian Park Primary School we celebrate a different right.  On this page we will help you learn more about the UNCRC, along with the rights and responsibilities it offers.


Click on the link below to find out more.




Right of the Week Activity during home learning


Each week we will be sharing with you activities sent by UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) so that you can learn alongside children from all over the world about specific rights.


Take a look at the information below and then have a go at completing some of the activities.  Don't forget to share them with your teacher on Seesaw.

Earth Day 2020

