Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School



Home Learning 8th - 12th February 2021

Hello everyone.  This week we will be using Google Meet to have a special treat! Zoolab will be doing a story session. Please check your announcements on Seesaw for details of these.  It is also Inset day on Friday so this weeks home learning will end on Thursday.  This week we will be looking at Chinese New Year. Don't forget to check seesaw for your daily activities and also to look at the planner. Remember to upload your photographs and work to Seesaw so that I can see all of your hard work.  I hope you all have lots of fun learning. I can't wait to see all of your wonderful work

Home Learning 25th - 29th January 2021

Hello everyone.  This week we will be using Google Meet to have some live story sessions. Please check your announcements on Seesaw for details of these. We are also introducing Wellbeing Wednesdays. A planner and suggestions of activities for Wellbeing Wednesdays will be put on Seesaw.  We will be continuing with our home learning this week. Remember to take photos of your work and to upload them to your Seesaw account. There are activities on Seesaw to complete so please make sure you check daily. This week we will be thinking about thunder. I would like you to learn a rhyme about  thunder and make a drum of your own using materials found around your house. I hope you all have lots of fun learning. I can't wait to see all of your wonderful work

Home Learning 18th - 22nd January 2021

Hello everyone. We will be continuing with our home learning this week. Please check the planner to see which activities need to be completed on which days. Remember to take photos of your work and to upload them to your Seesaw account. There are activities on Seesaw to complete so please make sure you check daily. This week we will be thinking about snow. I would like you to learn a rhyme about a snowman and make a snowman of your own using materials found around your house. There's even an activity which uses fake snow for mark making! I hope you all have lots of fun learning. I can't wait to see all of your wonderful work.

Home Learning 11th - 15th January 2021

Hello everyone. We will be continuing with our home learning this week. Please check the planner to see which activities need to be completed on which days. Remember to take photos of your work and to upload them to your Seesaw account. There are activities on Seesaw to complete so please make sure you check daily. This week we will be recording the weather. I have also put a playdough recipe on Seesaw for you to try. I hope you all have lots of fun learning. I can't wait to see all of your wonderful work. 

Home Learning 4th - 8th January 2021

Happy New Year! I hope that you have all had a happy and safe Christmas break. 

This week we will be doing home learning. Please check your Seesaw account every day for any Seesaw activities that may be added. The activities are explained on the home learning grid. Please remember to upload your work to your Seesaw account. Take care everyone and stay safe. 

Home Learning 16th - 18th December 2020


For the next 3 days we will be doing home learning. Please check your Seesaw account every day for Seesaw activities. The activities are explained on the home learning grid. Please remember to upload your work to your Seesaw account. Take care everyone and stay safe. 


We are delighted to be welcoming pupils back into Nursery from Wednesday 9th September.


If you have not yet had your admission interview please contact the school office -

phone - 029 20 388 991

email -


Please line up along the pavement by the caretaker's house whilst waiting to drop off and collect your children.  We have put red stars on the pavement to help everyone stay 2m apart.  Unfortunately, we are unable to welcome any parents onto site at the moment due to the current restrictions. Please make sure that you are on time to drop off and collect your child.



To limit the items coming back and forth to school, we ask you to only send your child with their coat, water bottle and a piece of fruit or cut up vegetables for snack.  Please label your child's coat, bag, snack pot clearly with their name.  Unfortunately we are unable to provide snack at present so will not be collecting the snack money weekly. If your child is not yet able to use the toilet independently, please speak to the staff about sending in appropriate clothes and or pull-ups.



Thank you for your patience and we hope to see you all very soon.
