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Ninian Park Primary School


Frozen Kingdom

Lets extend our learning! Take your pick from the homework choices below. We can't wait to see what you create!

Robert Falcon Scott


In year 6 as one of our topics,we learnt about an explorer called Robert Falcon Scott.We discovered his long lost letters and his roller coaster on a journey to South Pole with his team.


 We became Robert Falcon Scott and wrote our own letters  to our family as if we were on the journey to the south pole as they all died on the way back. Although they were not first to reach the south pole, they are all known to be heroic explores.


These are some of the links about Robert falcon scott:

Climate change


As  part of our Frozen kingdom topic we have learnt about climate change what would happen in the future and how we can stop that happening in the present.

People throw litter on the floor which can trap animals or make them sick. Animals are dying because of the impact of litter. Here are the positive things that humans are currently doing like planting more trees and recycling litter.

As part of artumm2, we are learning about Frozen Kingdom on Friday 7th December we spoke to Ali Massey and several of her colleagues on a phone call from Rothera station in Antarctica we asked her about her life in the extreme weather she said life in Antarctica is once in a lifetime experience. For more information go to

The Titanic


The Titanic (1) This half term we learnt about the Titanic.Did you know that it took 15,000 people to make the Titanic? Or that it was made by the White Star Line company? We researched what life was like aboard the Floating Palace and how difference classes were treated. Did you know that there were different types of accommodation available to different classes: first class,second and third class? We wrote a report all about this (take a look below!) The first class was treated like royalty. They had beautiful rooms,private toilets and a huge walk in wardrobe,however the other classes didn't have those.

We did research and found out about what happened to the Titanic. They started their maiden voyage on April 10th 1912, the Captain was keen to New York ahead of time so encouraged the team to push the ship to go faster (even though they had been warned that there were icebergs). On the night of April 14th 1912, the ship hit an iceberg. Before the crash, there were 3,547 passengers on bord and when the ship crashed, 706 passengers survived the crash and 1,503 passengers died in the sub-zero ocean.

Animal adaptations:

Have you ever wondered how Arctic animals keep warm in snow blizzards and sub-zero temperatures?Do you know what ‘Vulpus Lagapus’ is? We have been researching Polar animals and finding out about their adaptations. Read on and find out what we have learnt...

Animals in the arctic have thick fur or lots blubber (fat)  under there skin. Vulpus laglapus (Arctic fox) uses a special skill by tracking the prey under the snow and diving down  and bite with full force if that does not work then they have to  be brave and steel food from bigger  animals with food.arctic foxes live in burrows. Link for more info:



I have learnt how animals have adapted to their environment.

I learned about the seal. For example I learned about the behavioural adaptations to the environments, such as they pull themselves along the icy water with their front flippers which have strong claws. Then we found out that seals can live up to 30 years to 46 years we found out that the seals eat squid, crustaceans, molluscs and a variety of fish.

Frozen kingdom Human impact

This half term year 6 learnt about the human impact on animals in the arctic and antarctic. We found out that most plastic we own gets thrown away and goes into the water. It has reached both poles causing harm to animals.


We learnt that the Greenhouse gases are warning the Earth and decreasing the ice at the poles and melting habitats which causes problems.
