Thank you to all who donated to Velindre. Together we raised £310.79.

Ninian Park Primary School


Week 8

Shwmae Year 6!


How are you all doing? We hope you have enjoyed a break from the Home Learning activities during half term and had some time to relax, enjoy the gorgeous weather and spend some quality time with your family smiley


Just before half term, we sent out an activity on Seesaw asking for your opinion on which Home Learning option you prefer. Your opinions are important to us and we have taken them into consideration and as a result, we are going to continue with the bite sized activities for Maths, Literacy and the Enquiry so that you are doing something different each day.


Please continue to send in your work via Seesaw, we really do enjoy seeing what you are getting up to and how you're getting on with the Home Learning, and also give you feedback just like we do in lessons. If you are able to upload your work using the Seesaw app features or by simply taking a photo of your work then please continue to do so. If you are unable to do this, then please continue completing work in a notebook.


Don't forget, if you have any issues with your log in's and accessing your online accounts - email the school at mail


Stay safe - have a good week! yes


Miss Lewis and Miss Norrish

