Following requests from several parents we have put links to behaviour/star charts below.
These could be used to encourage pupils to get to school on time in the morning.
- At the beginning of the week agree a reasonable target number of stars that need to be gained that week . This target needs to be achieveable so that your child learns what it is like to get the reward (e.g. if you are regulary late go for 3 days on time for the first week).
- Each morning that your child manages to be on the playground before the bell sounds they gain a star.
- Next week, if you get your target, increase by one extra star.
These do not have to cost you anything. Rewards suggested by the children in our school are -
- 30 minutes at the park
- playing football with Dad/Mum
- 20 minutes extra on the X-box/Wii/etc
- doing some baking with Mum/Dad
- going for a bike ride with .....
If you have any further suggestions for how we can help you improve lateness/attendance, please let us know.