Ninian Park Primary School
Poster to promote exercise
Can you create a poster to promote our Virtual Sports Day?
Think about how exercise can help us feel better physically and emotionally; but also consider how we have to stay safe during lockdown.
Sports Day activities will be put onto the website ready for the start on Tuesday 19th May at 09:00 and will end for digital submissions on Friday 22nd May at 12:00 (lunchtime). Pupils will need to send photos or videos of them taking part in an actvitiy to their teachers via Seesaw. For every activity that you send in, you will get 5 points for your house. There will be bronze, silver and gold certificates if you take part, depending on how many activities you take part in.
We will try to put together a video of the submissions to celebrate the event; so please remember to tell your teacher if you want to be included.
How does exercise affect your body?
Draw an outline of your body and label how each part feels when you wake up in the morning.
Now do some exercise - e.g. go for a walk, do some skipping, kick a football with your family, do jumping jacks.
Draw another body picture (or use a different colour pen). Write down how parts of your body feel now. How do your emotions change when you have exercised?
Exercising should make you feel good. Next time you need cheering up try some exercise!
Hop, skip, jump
Going for the same walk everyday can begin to lose its appeal. Why not ask your parent if you can cheer up your neighbours with a chalk obstacle course? Use chalk (or a soft stone that will not leave permanent damage) to draw a path for daily exercisers to enjoy. Mrs Morris used to draw these on the playground with chalk. What was your favourite thing to do? You can add star jumps, hopscotch, walking backwards, etc. Remember to get permission, keep your participants safe and away from the road.
Cloud spotting
Have you ever noticed familiar shapes in the clouds?
If you are lucky enough to have an outdoor space, lie back on a blanket and see what shapes you can spot in the clouds. If not, look out of a window. Can you explain what you see to someone else? Can they see it too?
Remember, you won't be able to lay down in parks at the moment, but you could still spot them when out walking (as long as you keep an eye on where you're going).
Kids' cooking recipes
67 Recipes
Get fussy little eaters into the kitchen and turn them into little chefs with our easy and fun cooking projects. They'll love tasting their handiwork, too!
BBC Teach - Feeling Better
In this series of short films Dr Radha Moghil explores a range of feelings and emotions, as well as providing talking points and tools for feeling better.
BBC Teach - The Growth Mindset and Wellbeing Lesson
Watch a special interactive lesson promoting emotional wellbeing and encouraging a growth mindset in primary pupils.
If you're not sure what Growth Minset is, so you are not sure if this lesson is for you, check out Carol Dweck's TED talk about the power of believing that you can improve -
What makes Me, Me?
And Other Interesting Questions – Fun and engaging shrot films exploring fundamental philosophical concepts through everyday quesitons that children ask, and adults often struggle to answer.
Disability Sport Wales
Together with their partner Admiral, Disability Sport Wales is launching their new campaign #PlayTogether. They are asking pupils of all ages to design your own tshirt. Tag them in your picture and show them what #PlayTogether means to you! The deadline is May 4th 2020 and the winner will receive a visit from a Paralympian at school and their design printed on a tshirt for their whole class.
This is a great opportunity to show how much we value each other and the inclusive nature of our school and community. So why not give it a go and after you've sent it in, why not share your entries via Seesaw too.
For more information try one of on the links below
IINSTAGRAM - disability_sport_wales
Good luck Ninian Park.
A selection of ideas from our staff -
Are you ready to get moving with Oti Mabuse?
Oti Mabuse teaches us dances via her YouTube channel
Strictly Come Dancing’s Oti Mabuse has teamed up with her husband Marius Iepure and co-star Karen Hauer and her partner to create free online classes for both adults and kids during the coronavirus pandemic – and she’s having a whale of a time.
Cosmic Kids Yoga
Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation for kids. Interactive adventures which build strength, balance and confidence - and get kids into yoga and mindfulness early! Jamie aims to help your kids become stronger, calmer and wiser through yoga, mindfulness and action stories that kids move along to (e.g. Frozen, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Moana, Trolls, etc). There is also the Zen Den for calm times; Peace Out for peaceful bedtimes, as well as the Yoga Pose Universe or Yoga Disco if you want to be more active. Why not take a look?
Kindness and well-being videos
Below are some video clips that we have used to show children how being kind and "passing it forward" can make the world a better place. As Ghandi said -
“It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing.
It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that
doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come
from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”
― Mahatma Gandhi