Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School


Day Five - Friday

As we started our final day in Bologna the sun came out.  We had started the week with snow, been through rain, fog and wind and ended with warmth and sunshine.


Our group had learnt a lot and shared many ideas and reflections.  As part of our final day we had to create a visual representation of what we had seen and heard.  Here are some of our posters.



At lunchtime each day we had been asked to reflect on what we had seen in the educational settings.  Here are our sheets.



After lunch it was time to pack up and head back home.  Bob and I had made lots of friends and will remember this trip for many years to come.



But what had we learnt?

What would we take back to Ninian Park Primary?

- Making lunchtimes calmer and more child friendly

- Creating simplified learning environments

- Embracing the outside to support indoor learning

- Being as creative as possible


