Ninian Park Primary School
Click on the link below to see details on all the challenges you can take part in.
Taking part and challenging yourself is great, but maybe you want to compete against people in your household, or you want to try to Beat The Teacher?
We are delighted to announce that pupils from across the globe will be accessing our challenges. Children from Canada to Thailand will be joining in with our first ever online sports day. So, to everyone, wherever you are, we say welcome, we hope you are well and let the challenges begin!
Pupils at Ninian Park, remember if you send in a photograph or video to your Seesaw account you will get 5 house points for each challenge we can see that you've tackled.
If you are having difficulty with your Seesaw account (or you are competing from a different country) you can send your evidence by email to Please check with a responsible adult before sending any images of yourself.
If you are emailing, please make sure you state your name, class and teacher, so that we can forward the information to the correct teacher and allocate your house points.
Good luck everyone and have fun!