Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School


Virtual Sports Day 2020 - coming soon

Between 9am on Tuesday 19th May and 12pm on Friday 22nd May we will be holding our Ninian Park Primary's first Virtual Sports Day. 


Year 4 are planning the events this week.  Which activities you will be able to choose from?  You will have to come back and take a look at our Sports Day page on the Tuesday 19th May.  You will then have just over 3 days to photograph, or video, yourselves taking part in the challenges and add them to your Seesaw account.


There will be participation points for everyone who posts their attempts and certificates awarded via Seesaw.


For more information please click on the link below, or you surf to it via our Health and Well-being page.


Virtual Sports Day 2020 - webpage



