Thank you to all who attended the Winter Fair. Together we raised £704 for the school fund.

Ninian Park Primary School


Pedal Power give our cycling to school a push start!

The Wow Active Travel Project continues at school and lots of people are ditching the car in favour of cycling, scooting and walking to and from Ninian Park Primary each day.


To help us with this, the wonderful people at Pedal Power, have kindly donated 15 bikes to the school. We are going to give these lovely second-hand bikes away for our pupils to own; so that they can come to school in a more active way.


We have -

- one bike age 6-8 years old

- three bikes age 5-6 years old

- ten bikes age 4-5 years old

- one bikes age 3-4 years old


If you would like to be considered for one of these, please write a short note to Mrs Morris stating your name and class and telling her why you would like one of these bicycles. All notes to be given to class teachers by Wednesday 16th June and lucky recipients will receive a phone call by Friday 18th June.


Good luck and happy cycling.
