Last day of the Summer term is Friday 19th July. School opens to pupils on Tuesday 3rd September. We hope you have a wonderful summer break.

Ninian Park Primary School


Letter to parents about September

Letter to Parents from Ninian Park Primary School                                                 


15th July 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,


Now that the Minister for Education has told us that we are able to return to school in larger numbers after the holidays, I wanted to take this opportunity to write to you with more details.  We are still waiting for further guidance from the Local Authority so some things may change, but I felt it was important to give you as much information as I could, as soon as I could so that you can make arrangements.


  • The school year will officially start on Tuesday 1st September 2020.  Tuesday 1st September and Wednesday 2nd September will be Planning and Preparation days for staff so that I can make sure everyone is clear on current guidelines and curriculum development. No children will be in school on these days.


  • On Thursday 3rd September we will welcome back ALL pupils in Years 1-6.  We do all we can to ensure that your children stay safe in school by making sure we do the following things as much as we possibly can:
  • Promote handwashing and good hand hygiene
  • Promote ‘Catch it, kill it, bin it’ health awareness.
  • Keep your children solely in their class ‘contact group’ of 30 children as much as possible.
  • Continue to have ‘pods’ of children (as we are doing now) in different parts of the school to keep children in set areas of the building.
  • Continue to have slightly staggered start times to allow children to be dropped off in the mornings at their set gates:




Drop off time

Pick up time

Years 1 and 2

Main gate – Sloper Road

8.45 a.m.

3 p.m.

Years 3 and 4

Sevenoaks Park gate

8.50 a.m.

3.05 p.m.

Years 5 and 6

Virgil Street Gates

8.55 a.m.

3.10 p.m.


  • Ensuring that school is cleaned appropriately at regular intervals in accordance with Health and Safety guidelines.


As we still need to maintain social distancing guidelines for parents and staff unfortunately we cannot allow parents onto site, as we would physically not have enough space. Staff will be at the gates to greet you.


There will be NO provision for hot dinners at school until 14th September.  All pupils will need to bring a packed lunch, a drink in a water bottle and a piece of fruit for snack.  Those families who are entitled to Free School Meals will continue to receive funding via ParentPay during the first few weeks of term.


  • On the first day of term we will give your child a water bottle which they will take home for washing each evening.  Please can they bring this to school, filled, every day.


  • Those children who are joining us in Nursery and Reception from September will have admissions meetings  before starting.  We will send you a separate letter with your admission times and dates.


  • All children across the school from Nursery to Year 6 will be back in school by Thursday 10th September.


Many of you have been asking who your child’s class teacher is over the last few weeks.  Children will be moving into the following classes:


Current Class (July 2020)

September class and teacher

RA  Miss Pugsley/Mrs Bagguley

1A Mrs Eastwood

RB  Mrs  L. Jones

1B Mr Rees

RC  Ms Lewis

1C Ms Lewis

1A  Mrs Eastwood

2A Miss Varsani

1B Miss Varsani

2B Mrs Hill

1C  Mr Rees

2C Miss Hulatt

2A  Mrs Preston

3A Mrs Preston

2B  Mrs Hill

3B Mrs Mottram/Mrs Pankhurst

2C  Miss Hulatt

3C Mrs H. Jones

3A  Mrs H. Jones

4A Miss Hussain

3B Mrs Mottram/Miss Rees

4B  Mr Carter

3C Mrs Black

4C  Mrs Griffiths

4A  Mrs Bishop

5A  Mrs Bishop

4B  Mr Carter

5B Mr Jones

4C  Mrs Griffiths

5C Mr Matyus

5A Mrs Cobb

6A Miss Norrish

5B Mr Jones

6B Miss Lewis

5C Mr Matyus

6C Miss Richards


Reception teachers for September will be Miss Pugsley, Mrs Bah, Miss Fitzsimmons, Mrs Jones, Mrs Bagguley and Mrs Black.


At the end of this school year we are also saying a fond farewell to Miss Rees who has made the decision to retire at the end of this term.  Miss Rees has been a highly valued member of our school community at Ninian Park for a number of years and we are sad that we have not had the opportunity to celebrate her time with us in the way we would like, due to the current restrictions.  We are hopeful that she will come and visit us at school next term so that we can thank her properly.


In September we are welcoming four new teachers to our team at Ninian Park.  Mrs Bah, Mrs Pankhurst, Miss Hussain and Miss Richards.  I know you will make them feel very welcome.


It has been a testing few months for everyone in our school community, but we have got through it, and are looking forward to our ‘new normal’ school in September.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our pupils, parents, families and staff for their hard work, support and engagement during this difficult time. 


Should any further updates be published  over the summer holidays I will make sure that these are passed on to you via Twitter @nppschool, the school website: and via text (so please ensure we have your current mobile number).


I hope you all have a restful summer holiday and I look forward to welcoming you all back to school in September.   Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.


Take care and stay safe,


Miss Scott
