Thank you to all who donated to Velindre. Together we raised £310.79.

Ninian Park Primary School


Garden Bird Watch

Our school has been sent the following opportunity - 


If the pupils fancy a challenge, all they need to do is to draw pictures of wildlife they see in the garden or school (birds, worms, bees, spiders etc) and email the drawings to Ffion.Llyr@RSPB.ORG.UK by Monday 6th April at midday. All ages, no limit on number of drawings! The pictures will be put on RSPB’s twitter page/Instagram/ Facebook with the school name and pupil name if they label their pictures....


Hopefully we can then do a shout out to parents and other schools to get involved.


A bit more detail about the campaign is here

Just email drawings to Ffion.Llyr@RSPB.ORG.UK by Monday 6th April at midday (please include your School’s twitter name too)



Our school Twitter name is @nppschool

Good luck anyone who takes part.  We look forward to seeing if your entries get put onto Twitter.
