Ninian Park Primary School
The following letter was sent out to all pupils on 15th September -
Dear Parents
Please be advised that as of Monday 21st September, school meals will recommence on a limited menu.
As you are aware, the school has now moved to Parent Pay and therefore the office is unable to take any cash. If your child has school dinners, you will need to set up your Parent Pay account and ensure that you have paid dinner money into it in advance by card or direct debit in order for you to pre-order a meal for your child on a particular day.
Only 40% of the children have had their accounts set up by their parents so far. Once you have set up your account, please ensure that you choose your child's meals for the week by each Sunday as this is the notification which the kitchen receive to inform them of what to cook. IF you don't choose your meal, there will not be a meal available for them.
You can make your selections for up to three weeks in advance.
I have also attached links to the “Help” section which should guide you through any queries you may have: There is also a section with multi lingual help:
If your account does not have any money on it, your child will not be able to have a school dinner and you will be telephoned so you can provide your child with a packed lunch.
For those children who have free school meals, the system will pick this up. You will still need to order your child’s lunch but you will not be asked for payment.
If you do not have a bank account, you will need to ask the office to provide you with a PayPoint Barcode letter by Thursday 17th September. You can take this letter to any shop that supports PayPoint where you will be able to pay cash into your Parent Pay account.
It is very important that you set up an account even if your child does not have school dinners as there are other tools and features with ParentPay that we will roll out in the near future.
There will be teething problems but if you sign up now these should be avoided. Menus are available on the site from Friday 18th September.
Please contact the school office if you have any questions or concerns about the new system, and we will be pleased to help you.
Yours sincerely
Miss J Scott
Head Teacher